... ridicată de BCAA și L-Glutamină.
Îmbogățit pentru o dietă pe bază de plante - Conține Vitamina B6, B12 și Magneziu, care contribuie la reducerea oboselii și a epuizării.
Beneficii pentru sănătate - Conține zinc pentru a contribui la funcția imunitară și protecția celulelor împotriva stresului oxidativ.
L-Carnitine Base, a key player in the world of sports nutrition, is renowned for its remarkable ability to enhance fat metabolism and naturally boost energy production. This dynamic compound is your secret weapon for crafting top-tier weight management and performance-focused supplements, empowering individuals to reach their fitness goals with ease.
At SRS Nutrition Express, we take quality and reliability seriously. Our L-Carnitine product series undergoes rigorous supplier vetting procedures, ensuring that every product meets the highest standards of excellence. With our efficient delivery service, you can trust us for prompt and hassle-free procurement, so you can focus on growing your business and providing top-notch products to your customers.
CAS Number:541-15-1
Appearance:clear and colourless powder
Main function:fat metabolism; energy production
Appearance of Solution:Clear and Colourless
Specific Rotation:29.0°~-32.0°
Particle size:95% pass 80 mesh
Loss on drying:≤0.5%
Residue on Ignition:≤0.1%
Residue Acetone :≤1000ppm
Residue Ethanol:≤5000ppm
Heavy Metals:NMT10ppm
Arsenic (As):NMT2ppm
Gli integratori alimentari in polvere offrono un approccio flessibile e personalizzabile per migliorare l'assunzione nutrizionale. Disponibili in bustine singole, bustine doppie, stick pack e barattoli, queste polveri soddisfano una varietà di esigenze e preferenze di salute. Sono ideali per le persone che amano creare miscele personalizzate o preferiscono mescolare i loro integratori con cibi o bevande. Che tu stia cercando di supportare il recupero muscolare, migliorare la digestione o aumentare la vitalità complessiva, questi integratori in polvere offrono una soluzione versatile.
L'adattabilità degli integratori alimentari in polvere li rende un favorito tra gli appassionati di fitness e le persone attente alla salute. Possono essere facilmente integrati in frullati, shake o pasti, permettendoti di personalizzare l'assunzione in base ai tuoi obiettivi specifici. Con un impegno per la qualità e l'efficacia, queste polveri sono formulate per fornire risultati ottimali, assicurandoti di ricevere i nutrienti di cui hai bisogno per prosperare. Incorporando questi integratori nella tua routine, stai facendo un passo proattivo verso il raggiungimento di uno stile di vita equilibrato e sano.
Découvrez Minceur+, un complément alimentaire qui concentre les vertus naturelles de 7 plantes :
Le maté est un arbre originaire du Paraguay, du Brésil, de l’Argentine et de l’Uruguay. Il est reconnu pour soutenir la gestion du poids en favorisant la perte de graisse. Il aide ainsi à maintenir un poids corporel sain.
Il est associé au guarana qui favorise également la perte de poids grâce à ses graines riches en caféine, la caféine étant le brûleur de graisse par excellence.
L’extrait de garcinia complète l’action naturelle du maté et du guarana en réduisant le sentiment de faim.
Le wakamé est une algue intéressante car elle est riche en fibres solubles, ce qui permet d’augmenter la satiété. Elle est aussi une source de protéine, vitamines et minéraux.
Sphère d'action : Minceur
Formule synergique (mélange de 7 plantes)
Cure complète de 1 mois : 6 gélules / jour
Melatonin is an indoleamine neurohormone whose levels vary in a daily cycle, thereby allowing the entrainment of the circadian rhythms of several biological functions in animals, plants, and microbes. Many biological effects of melatonin are transduced through melatonin receptors, including the MT1, MT2, and MT3 subtypes. Glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutases, and catalase are upregulated by melatonin.
EC number:200-797-7
Molecular Formula:C₁₃H₁₆N₂O₂
CAS No:73-31-4
Kwas cytrynowy występuje naturalnie w owocach cytrusowych, ale może być również wytwarzany. Przemysłowy kwas cytrynowy jest wytwarzany głównie w drodze fermentacji lub reakcji chemicznej. Ta ostatnia metoda stosowana jest w około 90% światowej produkcji i polega na fermentacji przy użyciu enzymów i szczepów drobnoustrojów, najczęściej Aspergillus niger.
Kwas cytrynowy ma zdolność stabilizowania emulsji i zapobiega oddzielaniu się tłuszczu. Produkt końcowy dostępny jest w postaci proszku lub granulatu jako bezwodny kwas cytrynowy.
L-glutamine is optimally activated with vitamin B6. L-glutamine is an amino acid and is involved in numerous metabolic processes. It serves the immune cells, muscle and nerve cells and intestinal mucosa as an important building nutrient.
Supports/Is good for
Inflammatory bowel disease gastrointestinal
Crohn's, colitis ulcerosa
Chronic diarrhoea
Leaky Gut Syndrome
Chronic illnesses
Stress and hyperacidity
Weak immune system
Delayed wound healing
Chemo and radiation therapy
Muscle loss
The immune system needs large amounts of L- glutamine, to fight inflammation in the body among others things. A deficiency leads to increased degradation of the intestinal mucosa and related consequences. Taking L-Glutamine stabilises the intestinal wall function and thus prevents the transfer of germs from the intestine to the abdominal cavity. L-glutamine supports detoxification, muscle building, endurance performance and muscle recovery.
Unsere Lohnabfüllung / Abpackung übernimmt die Befüllung / Konfektionierung von Sticks, Schlauchbeuteln, Tütchen, Sachets, Beutel, Siegelbeutel sowie Abfüllung von Food und Non-Food Produkten.
Alle rieselfähigen Rohstoffe, die Sie uns anliefern, füllen wir in individuell gestaltete und hochwertig bedruckte Sticks. Ob Zuckermischungen, Stevia, Xylit, Erythritol, Blütenzucker, Süßstoff, Salze oder Gewürzmischungen – wir packen´s für Sie ein. Aber auch andere Kleinigkeiten wie Drops, Bonbons, Gummibären, Nüsse oder Trockenfrüchte kommen bei uns flott in Beutel der unterschiedlichsten Formen. Anschließend erfolgt die Konfektionierung durch unsere Lohnverpackung in die gewünschte Umverpackung (Kartons, Faltschachteln, Runddosen). Jetzt ist Ihr Produkt bereit für einen starken Auftritt am POS.
Wird eine Körpergewichtsabnahme mittels Sport und Diät angestrebt, wird Carnitin als Ergänzung empfohlen, um einen besseren Umsatz der Fettsäuren zu erreichen.
Wird eine Körpergewichtsabnahme mittels Sport und Diät angestrebt, wird Carnitin als Ergänzung empfohlen, um einen besseren Umsatz der Fettsäuren zu erreichen, da der Stoffwechsel bei Übergewichtigen in der Regel nicht an die körperliche Leistung angepasst ist.
Insbesondere Ausdauersportler nehmen L-Carnitin häufig als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zu sich, da durch die Einnahme von L-Carnitin Leistungssteigerungen erzielt werden können. Diese Leistungssteigerung bezieht sich auf die Regeneration nach einer großen sportlichen Anstrengung. Carnitin wird im Sport daher als einer der am stärksten wirkenden Leistungsförderer und Fatburner gehandelt.
SilvRedux Sleep Gummies are an innovative food supplement specially formulated to promote restful rest both at the beginning of sleep and throughout the night. The gummies help reduce the time it takes to fall asleep and maintain a peaceful, relaxed sleep.
Presentación:Envase de 30 cápsulas
Composición:Agente de carga (Fosfato cálcico), Coenzima Q10 (Ubiquinona), Maltodextrina, Antiaglomerantes
Modo de empleo:Tomar 1 cápsula al día, con la comida
Der menschliche Körper kann die essentielle Aminosäure L-Lysin zwar nicht selbst herstellen, wird in der Regel aber durch eine ausgewogene Nahrung aufgenommen. Kraft- und Leistungssportler mit einem erhöhten Bedarf an L-Lysin sollten zum Muskelaufbau zusätzliche Mengen der Aminosäure zu sich nehmen.
L-Lysin unterstützt außerdem die Aufnahme von Calcium durch den Körper und so auch die Knochenbildung. Weiter hilft L-Lysin bei der Bekämpfung von viralen Infektionen und ist zum Beispiel bei der Behandlung bei Herpeserkrankungen sinnvoll und hilfreich. Allgemein wirkt die Aminosäure positiv auf das Immunsystem. Bei LANUCO bekommst du zu 100 % reines L-Lysin, das du je nach Bedarf dosieren kannst.
Produkteigenschaften:Glutenfrei, Laktosefrei, Vegan
Herstellung:Ausschließlich über die Fermentation (Umwandlung von organischen Stoffen in Säuren, z.B. Aminosäuren
L-Carnitine, L-Arginine like amino acids are added into this product for holistic aproach to daily energy boost and let those Vitamins and Minerals Absorb efficiently in needed place.
We are capable of making formulized products for your spesific market needs.
Maximum amount Capsules in Bottle:200 Pieces
Size of the Capsule:#00 to #1
Color Of The Capsule:Can be Discussed
We offer e vitamins In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!
Beldton is a global company specializing in the development, manufacture and distribution of food, hygiene as well as personal care products, including ingredients.
Transglutaminase is a food additive, it’s an enzyme that forms crosslinks between protein molecules.
The main product groups with using Transglutaminase: meat products, sausage/ham products, seafood products, bakery products, dairy and vegan products.
There are benefits of using TG:
* Improves meat texture
and binding between pieces of meat
* Reduces phosphates
* Reduces water loss during cooking processes
* Enhances the final texture in low sodium products
* Improves texture and elasticity
* Increases gel strength, facilitating protein losing
* Reduces the content of gums and gelatins
The most application is for: meat products, dairy products, seafood products, bakery products, cheese/cottage products, vegan products.
5htp which is an amino acid substance. It can be used as a precursor of serotonin (serotonin, 5-HT) in the human body (and then as a precursor of melatonin). Some double-blind studies have shown that 5-HTP can increase the concentration of serotonin in the brain, improve depression and promote the formation of melatonin, improve sleep quality, and suppress appetite, but these studies still have problems. Therefore, more research is needed to confirm whether 5-HTP has these physiological effects. Ghana seeds are rich in 5-hydroxytryptophan, which is the main natural source of 5-HTP. 5-HTP is classified as a pharmaceutical ingredient in some countries. In the US, UK, and Canada, 5-HTP is marketed as a dietary supplement (health supplement).
CAS Number:56-69-9
Molecular Formula:C11H12N203
Molecular Weight:220.23
Gélules Anti Chute Nutri Hair : Un concentré d'actifs pour la santé de vos cheveux.
Un cocktail de plantes et de vitamines aux multiples effets:
- prévient et traite la perte (Cheveux de Vénus)
- favorise la croissance (Prêle)
- renforce (prêle)
-contribue au maintien de cheveux normaux (Vitamine B8)
Une nouveauté Ôde Cosmétiques:
- made in France
- pour tous types de cheveux
- dédiés aux femmes & hommes
- pilulier de 60 gélules pour 30 jours de programme
- prendre 2 gélules par jour avec un grand verre d'eau
- des résultats visibles à partir du 1er mois
- un programme de 3 mois est conseillé pour des résultats optimaux
- une pause d' 1 mois entre chaque programme de 3 mois est recommandée
- pour les personnes souffrant d'une perte de cheveux
- pour prévenir la chute des cheveux ternes et cassants
- à utiliser pour une chevelure renforcée et sublimée
Dimensions:9 cm (hauteur) x 4.5 cm (diamètre)
Poids:41 g
L-Ornithine is a non-essential amino acid. It is manufactured in the body utilizing L-Arginine which is an important precursor needed to manufacture Citrulline, Proline and Glutamic Acid.
SRS has warehouses in Europe, whether it is DDP or FCA term, which is very convenient for customers, therefore the transportation timeliness is guaranteed. In addition, we have a complete pre-sales & after-sales system. If you have any questions, please contact us and we will solve them for you immediately.
Other Name:L-Ornithine hydrochloride
Spec./ Purity:99% ( Other specifications can be customized)
CAS Number:3184-13-2
Appearance:White crystalline powder
Main function:Increase levels of hormones that increase muscle size.
Test Method:USP
El ácido cítrico se encuentra naturalmente en las frutas cítricas, pero también se puede fabricar. El ácido cítrico industrial se produce principalmente por fermentación o por reacción química. Este último método se utiliza en aproximadamente el 90 % de la producción mundial e implica la fermentación con enzimas y cepas microbianas, más comúnmente Aspergillus niger.
El ácido cítrico tiene la capacidad de ayudar a estabilizar las emulsiones y previene la separación de grasas. El producto final está disponible en forma de polvo o granulado como ácido cítrico anhidro.